Product Description - Azospirillum Nitrogen Fixing Biofertilizer
- Azospirillum is a gram-negative bacteria that facilitate nitrogen fixation. Through a biological fixation process, Azospirillum converts atmospheric nitrogen into easily absorbable ammonium for plants.
- It produces plant growth-promoting substances like vitamins and phytohormones that regulate growth, development and reproduction.
- It is used as a foliar spray. The generic usage is for seed treatment to stimulate faster germination.
- Regulates secondary metabolic activities in plants. Through stimulating the secretion of essential hormones, the fertilizer helps plants adapt to varying external stimuli.
- Suitable for all plant types: Vegetables, legumes, cereals, ornamental plants and plantation crops.
Importance of Azospirillum?
Azospirillum is an associative nitrogen-fixing companion in plants that facilitates the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the soil. Nitrogen is an extremely important plant nutrition that facilitates root development. There is 78% of the nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere. But the nitrogen is not available in the easily absorbable form by plants. Here comes the assistance of Azospirillum bacteria that fixes the atmospheric nitrogen into easily available ammonium through a biological nitrogen fixation process. In addition, Azospirillum species generate essential plant-growth-promoting hormones like Phytohormones and vitamins. Phytohormones are produced as a part of secondary plant metabolism that regulates the plant's response to environmental stimuli. It regulates growth, development, reproduction and longevity.
Azospirillum helps plants adjust to differing environmental conditions like regulating growth in extreme conditions of saline stress (Increasing salinity in soil affects growth and development). Azospirillum induced systemic tolerance in plants by guiding the production of antioxidants, hormones and defence mechanisms such as the generation of pathogen-related genes.
Benefits of Azospirillum
- Fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and provides 30-50% of plant nitrogen requirements.
- Azospirillum also produces plant growth-promoting substances like vitamins and phytohormones which influence plant growth, especially the development of roots.
- Suitable for all crops like vegetables, plantation crops, legumes, cereals, and ornamental plants.
How to Use Azospirillum
- Azospirillum is mainly used for direct soil application. It can be used for seed treatment and as a foliar spray. Apply in wet soil as a basal dose along with organic manure and refresh it periodically along with organic manure. The common application quantity is 20g/ plant.
- Important for seed treatment specifically for treating rice. Dipping the root tips in the fertilizer helps in faster development. 4kg of Azospirillum should be mixed with 200kg of compost (1:5 ratio of fertilizer: compost). The mixture is kept overnight before incorporation in the soil during seed sowing. Applying the mixture 2-3 cm below the topsoil is appropriate for stimulating development.