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Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated

Non-GMO variety with 80-95% germination

Regular price
Rs. 39.00
Regular price
Rs. 99.00
Sale price
Rs. 39.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Number of seeds in a packet: 5

Latest Germination Test: January, 2025

Germination Percentage: 94%


Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated
Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated
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Product Description - Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated

Malabar spinach is not a true spinach variety but resembles in foliage with the spinach plants. The vitamin C and dietary fiber rich spinach is one of the easiest crops to grow at home. The mineral rich dietary companion that requires less maintenance and could be harvested in about 60 days after sowing. It is the best crop choice during fall and spring. Though spinach is a commonly available vegetable, growing spinach at home will ensure it is pesticide-free and free from bacteria like e-Coli. 

Benefits/ Uses

  • Spinach is high in insoluble fiber that aids in proper digestion. 
  • Rich in Vitamin A. 100 grams of leaves provide 267% of the daily vitamin A requirements. Thus, the leaves rich in Vitamin A and flavonoid help avert eye problems and oral cancers. 
  • Rich in Vitamin C. It is essential to improve immunity, regulate bone formation and fasten wound healing.
  • Rich in potassium, folic acid and iron. Thus Malabar spinach acts as a neurological booster. 
  • A superfood rich in antioxidants like lutein and beta carotene. It enhances overall health. In addition, folic acid is beneficial for pregnant women as it helps cellular growth. Intake of folate is also known to reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases. 


Common name

Malabar spinach, Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach


10-20 degree celsius


Sufficient water to keep soil moist not soggy


Preferably full sun


Well-drained, slightly loose, enriched soil (with natural composts)


Natural compost or organic manure/ nitrogen-rich fertilizers


7-14 days

Harvest season

45-60 days after seed sowing


6.5 - 6.8

No: of seeds



Sowing and Caring

  • Use a comfortable Grow bag like Seed2Plant HDPE 24x9 spinach grow bags to plant. The bag is big enough to render proper air circulation between roots. 
  • It is important to use loose, well-drained soil to ensure proper air circulation. Thus, it is advisable to use organic potting mix like the one we have to pot the seeds. Spinach requires high nitrogen fertilizers like vermicompost or cattle manure. 
  • The seeds should be planted with a space of 8 inches (20 cm). Leave a one-inch gap from the top of the soil to plant.
  • Place it in a position of full sun to mild shade. Until seedling sprouts, cover the seeds with a light cloth.
  • Water appropriately such that the soil is moist and not soggy. Water early in the morning to keep the roots nourished throughout the day. If the soil goes dry, the malabar spinach starts to flower, which in turn will make the leaves bitter. 
  • Fertilize once in 2 weeks with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. One can also add biofertilizers like rhizobium or azospirillum once in 3-4 weeks to enhance nitrogen naturally in the soil. 
  • In cold weather it starts growing as vines, which may require the support of a pole or trellis. 


  • Spinach can be harvested as soon as the leaves grow big enough to eat. It generally takes about six to eight weeks from planting.
  • It is essential to harvest before the leaves start to bolt. Bolting happens when the spinach starts flowering and showing spots on the leaves. If the leaves bolt, the spinach becomes bitter to eat.
  • Harvest the spinach by carefully removing the outer leaves.Either pinch at the base of the petiole (petiole is the stalk that attaches the leaves to the stem) with your fingers or employ gardening shears to prune the base of the leaves.

Common Problems

  • Diseases such as Anthracnose, Stemphylium leaf spot, Downy Mildew, Cladosporium Leaf spot, root rot affect spinach often. Spinach is prone to attacks from pests like Aphids, Slugs, Cutworms, Snails, Flea Beetles, and Leaf Miners.
  • Besides pest attacks and diseases, bolting is a common problem in spinach. From sowing, the plant should be ready to harvest between 45-60 days. After harvest days have passed, spinach leaves get bitter.


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Ranjana Sharma

Only 4 seeds are germinated others wise good.... Only 12 seeds in pack , we expected more...


Devendra Kumar Khare (Bhopal, IN)

Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated

Dear Devendra Kumar Khare,

Thank you for sharing your positive feedback! We're delighted to hear that you're satisfied with the Organic Malabar Spinach/Kodi Pasalai Seeds. Happy gardening!

Team Seed2Plant

Harshendu Kumar J. (Kolkata, IN)

Organic Malabar Spinach/ Kodi Pasalai Seeds - Open Pollinated

Dear Harshendu Kumar,

Thank you for your feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that you’re very happy and satisfied with your purchase of the Organic Malabar Spinach/Kodi Pasalai Seeds. Happy gardening!

Team Seed2Plant

Hemant Kumar (Kochi, IN)
Malabar spinach

It was good, but germination rate was not as expected. That's why 4 stars.

Sudhir S Pai

Just sowed

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