Product Description - Ultimate Bio Fertilizer Bundle
- 100% Organic, non-toxic, natural agricultural fertilizers bundle. The best source of macronutrients and micronutrients.
- Promote growth, blooming and increase resistance to soil borne diseases.
- It is advised to add adequate doses of fertilizer once in 2-3 weeks to ensure healthy growth.
- The bundle includes 8 types of fertilizers that render different benefits to the plant,
Trichoderma Viride Bio Fertilizer - 1 KG
Pseudomonas Fluorescens Bio Fertilizer - 1 KG
Azospirillum Nitrogen Fixing Bio Fertilizer - 1 KG
Phospho Bacteria Bio Fertilizer - 1 KG
Bone Meal - Steamed, Sterilized and Organic - Excellent for Flowering - 1KG
Dried and Powdered Desi Cow Dung Manure - 1 KG
Neem Cake - 100% Organic & Premium Grade
Veg and Fruit Fertiliser Mix 100% Organic - 1 KG
Trichoderma Viride Bio Fertilizer
- An active fungal growth preventer and destroyer.
- Decomposes soil wastes, organic farm wastes.
- To use: Mix 7-10 g in 1L of water and apply to the soil.
Pseudomonas Fluorescens Bio Fertilizer
- Promotes the secretion of essential growth hormones. It improves the uptake of nutrients by roots and increases resistance to diseases.
- It improves the soil properties and oxygen availability to the roots.
- To use: For direct application use 20g per plant. For foliar spraying, mix 1kg with 50 L of water.
Azospirillum Nitrogen Fixing Bio Fertilizer
- Azospirillum converts atmospheric nitrogen into easily absorbable ammonium for plants.
- It produces plant growth-promoting substances like vitamins and phytohormones.
- To use: Apply 20g/ plant on wet soil directly. As foliar spray mix 50 g/litre of water.
Phosphobacteria Bio Fertilizer
- Converts the insoluble phosphorus into soluble form for easy absorption by plants.
- It regulates the production of Phytohormones essential for root development, cell elongation, growth and early maturing of flowers and fruits.
- To use: It can be applied directly to wet soil by mixing 50 g/litre of water. The basal dose is 20g/ plant.
Steamed and Sterilized Bone Meal
- Natural source of phosphorus to promote root development and flowering. The meal also contains smaller amounts of nitrogen, potassium, zinc and magnesium.
- To use: Mix 25 grams of the meal with soil every two weeks. Application at the early stage before germination will encourage the growth of new roots.
Dried and Powdered Desi Cow Dung Manure
- The organic manure contains 3-2-1 NPK - 3 percent of nitrogen, 2 percent of phosphorus and 1 percent of potassium.
- To use: Add a part of cow dung manure while preparing potting soil
Neem Cake
- Protects plant roots from nematodes, soil grubs and white ants. Efficient pest control.
To use: Add 50 gms of neem cake with 1 kg potting mix. To control pests mix 100 gms neem cake with 1 Ltr of water, filter it and spray.
Vegetable and Fruit Fertilizer Mix
- Enhances the plant growth and thus protects from easy attack of diseases and pests.
- To use: Add 20g/plant every 10 days.